File Format supervisord. WindowsINIstyle Python ConfigParser file. It has sections each denoted by a header and key value pairs within the sections. We recently showed that, based on Stack Overflow question visits, Python has a claim to being the fastestgrowing major programming language, and that it has become. FJ8/J6B8/J8KGWMI3/FJ8J6B8J8KGWMI3.LARGE.jpg' alt='Python Serial At Commands Syntax' title='Python Serial At Commands Syntax' />CKermit 8. Update Notes Contents CKermit Kermit Home Second Supplement to Using CKermit, 2nd Edition For CKermit 8. As of CKermit version 8. Compared with a graphical user interface,a command line requires fewer system resources to implement. Since options to commands are given in a few characters in each. Im trying to use pip to install a package. I try to run pip install from the Python shell, but I get a SyntaxError. Why do I get this error How do I use pip to. This is a list of Cisco IOS commands and information. IOS is the software used on the vast majority of Cisco Systems routers and most Cisco network switches. Important you can and should build everything as a normal user. There is no need to be root to configure and use Buildroot. By running all commands as a regular user. Basic module usage Psycopg 2. The basic Psycopg usage is common to all the database adapters implementing. DB API 2. 0 protocol. Here is an interactive session showing some of the. Connect to an existing database connpsycopg. Open a cursor to perform database operations curconn. Execute a command this creates a new table cur. CREATE TABLE test id serial PRIMARY KEY, num integer, data varchar Pass data to fill a query placeholders and let Psycopg perform the correct conversion no more SQL injections cur. INSERT INTO test num, data VALUES s, s. Query the database and obtain data as Python objects cur. SELECT FROM test cur. Make the changes to the database persistent conn. Close communication with the database cur. The main entry points of Psycopg are Passing parameters to SQL queriesPsycopg converts Python variables to SQL values using their types the Python. Postgre. SQL. Many standard Python types are. SQL representation. Passing parameters to an SQL statement happens in functions such as. SQL statement, and. For. example the Python function call cur. INSERT INTO sometable anint, adate, astring. VALUES s, s, s. OReillyis converted into a SQL command similar to INSERTINTOsometableanint,adate,astringVALUES1. OReilly Named arguments are supported too using names placeholders in the. Using named arguments allows. INSERT INTO sometable anint, adate, anotherdate, astring. VALUES ints, dates, dates, strs. OReilly,date datetime. Using characters, , in the argument names is not supported. When parameters are used, in order to include a literal in the query you. SELECT s 2 0 AS even,1. WRONG cur. SELECT s 2 0 AS even,1. While the mechanism resembles regular Python strings manipulation, there are a. The Python string operator must not be used the execute. Never use or to merge values. INSERT INTO numbers VALUES s, s1. WRONG cur. INSERT INTO numbers VALUES s, s,1. For positional variables binding, the second argument must always be a. Python. requires a comma to create a single element tuple cur. INSERT INTO foo VALUES s,bar WRONG cur. INSERT INTO foo VALUES s,bar WRONG cur. INSERT INTO foo VALUES s,bar, correct cur. INSERT INTO foo VALUES s,bar correct. The placeholder must not be quoted. Psycopg will add quotes where needed cur. INSERT INTO numbers VALUES s,1. WRONG cur. INSERT INTO numbers VALUES s,1. The variables placeholder must always be as, even if a different. INSERT INTO numbers VALUES d,1. WRONG cur. INSERT INTO numbers VALUES s,1. Only query values should be bound via this method it shouldnt be used to. Psycopg will try quoting the table. SQL. If you need to generate. SQL queries for instance choosing dynamically a table name. INSERT INTO s VALUES s,numbers,1. WRONG cur. SQLINSERT INTO VALUES s. Identifiernumbers. The problem with the query parametersThe SQL representation of many data types is often different from their Python. The typical example is with single quotes in strings. SQL single quotes are used as string literal delimiters, so the ones. Python single. quotes can be left unescaped if the string is delimited by double quotes. Because of the difference, sometime subtle, between the data types. Python strings concatenation, is a recipe for terrible problems SQLINSERT INTO authors name VALUES s NEVER DO THIS dataOReilly, cur. SQLdata THIS WILL FAIL MISERABLYProgramming. Error syntax error at or near ReillyLINE 1 INSERT INTO authors name VALUES OReilly If the variables containing the data to send to the database come from an. This form of attack is. SQL injection and is known to be one of the most widespread forms of. Before continuing, please print this page as a. Psycopg can automatically convert Python objects to and from SQL. We must stress this point Warning. Never, never, NEVER use Python string concatenation or. SQL query. string. Not even at gunpoint. The correct way to pass variables in a SQL command is using the second. SQLINSERT INTO authors name VALUES s Note no quotes dataOReilly, cur. SQL,data Note no operator. Adaptation of Python values to SQL typesMany standard Python types are adapted into SQL and returned as Python. The following table shows the default mapping between Python and Postgre. SQL. types The mapping is fairly customizable see Adapting new Python types to SQL syntax and. Type casting of SQL types into Python objects. You can also find a few other. Constants adaptationPython None and boolean values True and False are converted into the. SQL literals cur. Blacktop Pe Games. SELECT s, s, s ,None,True,FalseSELECT NULL, true, false Numbers adaptationPython numeric objects int, long, float, Decimal are. Postgre. SQL numerical representation cur. SELECT s, s, s, s ,1. L,1. 0. 0,Decimal1. SELECT 1. 0, 1. 0, 1. Reading from the database, integer types are converted into int, floating. Decimal. Note. Sometimes you may prefer to receive numeric data as float. Postgre. SQL numeric to Python float. This of course may imply a loss of precision. Strings adaptationPython str and unicode are converted into the SQL string syntax. Python 3 are encoded in the connection. Data is. usually received as str i. Python 3, left encoded. Python 2. However it is possible to receive unicode on Python 2 too. Unicode handling. Unicode handlingPsycopg can exchange Unicode data with a Postgre. SQL database. Python. Postgre. SQL encoding, available in. Python encoding using the. INSERT INTO test num, data VALUES s,s ,7. When reading data from the database, in Python 2 the strings returned are. UTF8 cur. SELECT data FROM test WHERE num 7. LATIN9 cur. SELECT data FROM test WHERE num 7. In Python 3 instead the strings are automatically decoded in the connection. Unicode characters. In Python 2 you must register a typecaster in order to receive unicode objects psycopg. UNICODE,cur cur. SELECT data FROM test WHERE num 7. In the above example, the UNICODE typecaster is. It is also possible to register typecasters on. Type casting of SQL types into Python objects for details. Note. In Python 2, if you want to uniformly receive all your database input in. Unicode, you can register the related typecasters globally as soon as. Psycopg is imported importpsycopg. UNICODEpsycopg. 2. UNICODEARRAYand forget about this story. Binary adaptationPython types representing binary objects are converted into. Postgre. SQL binary string syntax, suitable for bytea fields. Such. types are buffer only available in Python 2, memoryview available. Python 2. 7, bytearray available from Python 2. Python 3 the name is available from Python 2. Any object implementing the Revised Buffer. Protocol should be usable as binary type where the protocol is supported. Python 2. 6. Received data is returned as buffer in Python 2. Python 3. Changed in version 2. Changed in version 2. RESTful Interface Tool 2. User Guide. Overview. The RESTful Interface Tool is a command line interface that allows you to manage Hewlett Packard Enterprise products that take advantage of RESTful APIs. For this release of the tool, you can manage HPE Gen. LO 4 2. 0. 0 or later through i. LO RESTful APIs. You can install the tool on your computer for remote use or you can install the tool locally on a server with a Windows OS or Linux OS. In addition to using the tool manually to execute individual commands, you can create scripts to automate tasks. The RESTful Interface Tool can display and set parameters for the following HPE BIOSUEFI including secure bootHPE i. LO 4i. LO 5. HPE i. LO Repository. Smart Array support. Installation. Requirements. The following is a list of requirements for the server you want to manage with the tool Local management Gen. Windows OS or Linux OS 6. If you want to install the tool locally on the server. Remote management Gen. OS installed. i. LO 4 2. The install packages are available for download from http www. Windows Directory. C Program FilesHewlett Packard EnterpriseHP RESTful Interface Tool. Linux Directory. usrshareilorest. If you are using i. LO 2. 1. 0 or later and the RESTful Interface Tool 1. JSON schemas are automatically updated. If you are using an earlier version of i. LO or an earlier version of the RESTful Interface Tool, you must manually get the latest JSON schemas from the SPP located in the hprestfulapi directory. Copy the schema files to the appropriate directory The following installation steps describe how to install the tool in a Windows OS or Linux OS. Windows. Download the RESTful Interface Tool Windows MSI package from http www. Install the package on the server you prefer to manage for local management. For remote management, install the package on a laptop or server that has access to the managed server network. Linux. Download the RESTful Interface Tool Linux RPM package from http www. Install the installation package on the server you prefer to manage for local management. For remote management, install the package on a laptop or server that has access to the managed server network. Windows. Click the Start menu. Click Hewlett Packard Enterprise HPE RESTful Interface Tool. Right click the HPE RESTful Interface Tool prompt, and then click Run as Administrator. Linux. Open a terminal window. To start interactive mode, run the command usrsbinilorest using administrator privileges. The RESTful Interface Tool has three modes of operation. By default, the interactive mode is utilized when you start the RESTful Interface Tool. With Scriptable Mode, you can use a script that gives commands to the RESTful Interface Tool. File Based mode allows you to use a script that gives commands to the RESTful Interface Tool and use a file to load and save settings. Interactive mode. Interactive mode is started when you run the RESTful Interface Tool without any command line parameters. The ilorest prompt is displayed and you can enter commands one at a time. You can exit the interactive mode by entering the exit command at the prompt. On Windows systems, double click ilorest. You must be an administrator to run ilorest. Scriptable mode. The following script can be called to retrieve information regarding the Hp. Bios type This is a batch file that logs into a remote server. Hp. Bios type, and gets the Boot. Mode value. selectget. URI USERNAME PASSWORD. Set A arg. C1. C LSS 3 goto fail. Condition. echo selectget. URI USERNAME PASSWORD. Logging in. Hp. Bios type. Hp. Bios. echo. Boot. Mode. Boot. Mode. Scriptable mode is used if you want to script all the commands with the use of an external input file. The script contains a list of the RESTful Interface Tool command lines that let users get and set properties of server objects. In this example, first the Hp. Bios type is selected, and then the get command is used to retrieve information about the Boot. Mode property of Hp. Bios. File based mode. The following script allows you to save, edit, and load a file to the server. This a file based edit mode helper for RESTful Interface Tool. Run to download selected type to a file called ilorest. Edit the ilorest. Press any key running batch program to continue with program. SELECTOR FILENAME. Specify a type with the SELECTOR tag, and. FILENAME. for x in do Set A arg. C1. if arg. C LSS 2 goto fail. Condition. echo saveload. SELECTOR FILENAME. SELECTOR tag, and. FILENAME. ilorest. Edit the file, then. File based mode allows you to save and load settings from a file. This is similar to the conrep. CONREP. File based mode supports the JSON format. When the example script is run, the following result is produced Here, the Hp. Bios type is saved to a file called ilorest. Then, after you modify any properties, the load command is used to make these changes on the server. The properties of Hp. Bios can be edited here, and then loaded on the server. When the file is loaded on the server, changes to read only values are not reflected. The full list in this example is truncated to save space. After saving this configuration, the ilorest. Comments Manufacturer HP,Model Pro. Liant DL3. 60 Gen. BIOSFamily P8. BIOSDate 0. Hp. Bios. 1. 2. 0 restv. Settings Acpi. Root. Bridge. Pxm Enabled,Acpi. Slit Enabled,Admin. Name Jean Kranz. Wake. On. Lan EnabledConfiguration file ilorest. Windows default configuration fileilorest. LOrest reads the following environment variables, and applies them at runtime. Note that they can be overridden by command line switches. Log Settings . LOrest writes its log file. Cache Settings . False. Credential Settings. Commit Settings . True. Output Default Settings. Schema Default Settings. LOrest will look for ilo schemas. LOrest will look for bios schemas. Default SaveLoad Settings. Linux default configuration filei. LOrest. i. LOrest reads the following environment variables, and applies them at runtime. Note that they can be overridden by command line switches. Log Settings . LOrest writes its log file. Cache Settings . False. Credential Settings. Commit Settings . True. Output Default Settings. Schema Default Settings. LOrest will look for ilo schemas. LOrest will look for bios schemas. Default SaveLoad Settings. The configuration file contains the default settings for the tool. You can use a text editor to change the behavior of the tool such as adding a server IP address, username, and password. The settings that you added or updated in the configuration file are automatically loaded each time you start the tool. Configuration file locations Windows OS The same location as the executable file that starts the tool. Linux OS etcilorestilorest. Global commands. This section includes commands as well as their usage and examples for general commands in the RESTful Interface Tool. They include commands used to do things such as listing help for using commands, viewing, retrieving, modifying, and committing changes to server properties, and authenticating and logging in and out of the server. Help Command. Help example commands Entering the help to list the global i. LOrest options and help options for all available commands.