Two year college and higher education center in cooperation with Western Michigan University, Grand Valley State University and Ferris State University. Located in. Spring Hill College is a private, Roman Catholic, Jesuit, liberal arts college in the Spring Hill neighborhood of Mobile, Alabama, United States. Engineering. N. C. AT is the No. 1 producer of engineering degrees on the undergraduate level awarded to African Americans. Calvin Colleges official student newspaper since 1907. Free viewers are required for some of the attached documents. They can be downloaded by clicking on the icons below. Admissions information and academic program description at twoyear educational facility. Financial aid assistance and calendar of events provided. Golf_at_Black_College_HOF.jpg' alt='Black College Golf Programs' title='Black College Golf Programs' />Spring Hill College Wikipedia. Spring Hill College is a private, Roman Catholic, Jesuit, liberal arts college in the Spring Hill neighborhood of Mobile, Alabama, United States. It was founded in 1. Most Rev. Michael Portier, Bishop of Mobile. As+they+strolled+the+fairways%2C+Mr.+Rubin+and+Mr.+Evans+shared+stories+of+their+backgrounds+in+the+sport.++Mr.+Evans%2C+42%2C+grew+up+in+Forsyth%2C+Ga.%2C+a+small+town+60+miles+south+of+Atlanta.+He+started+playing+as+a+youth+with+an+old+set+of+clubs+of+his+father%E2%80%99s+he+found+in+the+family+barn.+Although+his+dad+no+longer+played%2C+his+extended+family+was+deeply+involved+in+the+sport.+His+uncle%2C+J.+P.+Evans%2C+was+a+scratch%2C+or+expert%2C+player+who+in+the+early+1970s+helped+desegregate+the+public+course+where+his+nephew+would+learn+the+game+15+years+later.++In+hi' alt='Black College Golf Programs' title='Black College Golf Programs' />It was the first Catholic college in the South, is the fifth oldest Catholic college in the United States, and is the third oldest of the 2. Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities. It is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. In 2. 01. 0, U. S. News World Report reported that Spring Hill College ranked 1. South offering both bachelors and masters level degrees. The Spring Hill academic calendar is divided into two semesters, a fall semester of 1. August and ending before Christmas, and a spring semester of 1. January and ending in early May. There are May and June mini sessions, and summer school during June and July. HistoryeditSpring Hill College was founded by the first bishop of Mobile, Michael Portier, who was from France. After purchasing a site for the college on a hill near Mobile, Bishop Portier went to France to recruit teachers and raise funds for the new college. Portier recruited two priests and four seminarians from France to staff the school. A friend of Portier, Cardinal Joseph Fesch, Archbishop of Lyons, was a major benefactor to the fledgling College, donating his philosophical and theological library and various works of art. Pauline Jaricot, founder of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith, donated 3. The bishop himself taught theology to the ecclesiastical students, who numbered six the first year. Upon his return from France, Portier rented a hotel next to the college grounds and started the first semester on May 1, 1. On July 4 of the same year, the bishop laid the cornerstone of the first permanent building. It stood on the site of the present Administration Building and opened for classes in November 1. Spring Hill is the oldest institution of higher education in Alabama and among the oldest colleges in the South. It is the third oldest Jesuit college in the United States. The original main building, built in 1. In 1. 83. 6 the governor of Alabama, Clement C. Clay, signed a legislative act that chartered the College and gave it full power to grant or confer such degree or degrees in the arts and sciences, or in any art or science as are usually granted or conferred by other seminaries of learning in the United States. This power was used in the following year, 1. The first two presidents of the College were called away to be bishops, one to Dubuque, Iowa Bishop Mathias Loras, the other to Vincennes, Indiana Bishop John Stephen Bazin. The third president, Father Mauvernay, died after a brief term of office. Rockwell Font'>Rockwell Font. Bishop Portier transferred the College, first to the French Fathers of Mercy, and next to the Society of Jesus and Mary, but both groups lacked teaching and administrative experience. He persuaded the Fathers of the Lyonnais Province of the Society of Jesus Jesuits to take possession of the College. The new regime was inaugurated with Father Francis Gautrelet, S. J., as president in September 1. Since that time the institution has continued under Jesuit direction. Many boys were sent to Spring Hill during the American Civil War as they neared the draft age. But numerous students wanted to be part of the war effort. The college eventually formed two military companies. Some of Spring Hills Jesuit fathers became chaplains for the Confederacy. A recruiter tried to conscript all forty of the Jesuit brothers at the college into the Confederate Army. The College President Gautrelet dispatched an urgent message to the assistant secretary of war in Richmond, who granted a temporary reprieve of the brothers conscription. The second main building, now the Rev. Gregory F. Lucey, S. J. Administration Center, built in 1. During the Reconstruction era, the College recruited students from among the sons of Central American and Cuban leaders. Following student complaints that Spanish was challenging the dominance of English on the campus, the Jesuits organized a SpanishAmerican league. In 1. Students and faculty had to relocate for a time to St. Charles College in Grand Coteau, Louisiana. Bishop John Quinlan and other benefactors assisted in rebuilding the College, which reopened at Spring Hill before the years end. As the enrollment increased, Quinlan Hall, St. Yesterday I Was'>Yesterday I Was. Josephs Chapel, the Thomas Byrne Memorial Library, and Mobile Hall were erected. In 1. 93. 5, the high school, which had been a unit distinct from the College since 1. In the space vacated by the high school, the Jesuit House of Studies was opened in 1. Scholasticate of the Sacred Heart opened on a site adjoining the College a few years later. St. Joseph Chapel, built in 1. After World War II, a great influx of veterans taxed the facilities of the College, which erected numerous temporary buildings on the campus to handle the new students. At the request of Archbishop Thomas Joseph Toolen of Mobile, the College became co educational in 1. In 1. 95. 4 the College accepted African American students into all departments, before the United States Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education 1. Mrs. Fannie E. Motley was the first black graduate from the institution in 1. Spring Hill College was a leading institution in Alabama to press for racial equality. It was praised by civil rights leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who referred to the college in his 1. Letter from Birmingham Jail. He noted that the College was one of the first Southern schools to integrate. Spring Hill received threats from those opposed to the civil rights movement and integration. On the night of January 2. KKK members tried to set up a kerosene soaked cross outside Mobile Hall, a dormitory. They were unaware that they were there during finals week. Most of the white, male residents were still awake, studying for exams, and several heard the hammering. Once alerted, students streamed from both ends of the building carrying whatever items were handy as weapons golf clubs, tennis rackets, bricks, a softball bat and put the panicked Klansmen to flight. Office 2010 Full Version Utorrent For Windows. A KKK contingent returned the next night, burning a cross at the gate of the College before students reacted. The following day, a group of students male and female hanged a Klansman in effigy at the College gate, with a sign reading, KKKers ARE CHICKEN. Following Hurricane Katrinas widespread destruction along the central Gulf Coast in 2. Spring Hill accepted 1. Loyola University in New Orleans, a brother Jesuit institution, for the remainder of the year. Student bodyeditMore than 1,4. Spring Hill College each year, of which more than 7. Alabama. The student body is 3. The student faculty ratio is 1. Of faculty members, 8. More than one third of graduating students continue their education at graduate or professional school. CurriculumeditSpring Hill College offers undergraduate students bachelors degrees through a variety of majors. The available departments include the Division of Business, the CommunicationsArts Division, International Studies, Interdivisional Studies, Language and Literature Division, Nursing, Philosophy and Theology, Sciences Division, Social Sciences Division, Teacher Education Division, and lastly, the Pre Professional Programs. Home Monroe Community College. Tell us who you are to start exploring your journey at MCC.