Save Game Sims 2 Psp' title='Save Game Sims 2 Psp' />The Sims 2 Pets The Sims Wiki. The Sims 2 Pets. Get Your Paws on The Sims 2 Pets Expansion Pack DevelopersMaxis Emeryville. EA Mobile. Mobile Phone. Save Game Sims 2 Psp' title='Save Game Sims 2 Psp' />PublishersEA Games. Aspyr MediaMacSeries. The Sims. PlatformsGBA, Nintendo Game. Cube, DS, Play. Station 2, PSP, Windows, Mac OS X, Wii, N Gage. Release datesConsoles. NA October 1. 8, 2. Save Game Sims 2 Psp' title='Save Game Sims 2 Psp' />EU October 2. AUS October 2. 6, 2. Nintendo DSAUS October 2. EU October 2. 7, 2. NA October 3. 1, 2. Macintosh. NA November 1, 2. GBANA November 7, 2. AUS November 1. 6, 2. EU November 1. 7, 2. PSPNA December 1. AUS December 1. 4, 2. EU December 1. 5, 2. Wii. NA June 1. 2, 2. PAL June 2. 2, 2. N Gage. INT June 1. GenresLife simulation, God game. ModesSingle player. Ratings. ESRB T, E GBA, DSACB M, G GBA, DSPEGI 1. GBA, DSMedia. Cartridge, CD, DVD, Mini. DVD, UMD, Game. Cube Optical Disc. Input methods. Keyboard, mouse, gamepad. Themes. Pets. Creature. Werewolf. For other uses, see Pet disambiguation. The Sims 2 Pets is the fourth expansion pack released for The Sims 2, released on October 1. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for The Sims 2 for PC. U. S. and Canada, October 2. EU, and October 2. Australia. The main concept of this expansion pack is to allow the player to own and raise pets. The Sims 2 Pets is a remake of The Sims Unleashed, which was a bestseller at that time. The expansion pack is also included with The Sims 2 Fun with Pets Collection. Description. Edit. Create the perfect pet for your Sims to train, play with, and love throughout a lifetime. Pick everything from their paws to their personality. Gta Iv 2013 Edition Repack. Choose from dozens of popular dog and cat breeds like Schnauzer and Siamese. Or create a unique cat or dog by modifying their features and body type. Your Sims can teach their pets tricks, take them for a romp in the park to meet other furry friends, or buy them toys, beds, and much more. But pets have minds of their own so expect the unexpected
Download PSX2PSP v1. Convert PSX games to PSP Playstation Portable PSP Homebrew The Iso Zone The Ultimate Retro Gaming Resource. We are the best and most popular cheat codes game site in the world We add new cheats and codes daily and have millions of cheat codes, FAQs, walkthroughs. An otome game, otome gmu, literally maiden game is a storybased video game that is targeted towards females. Generally one of the goals. Get the latest The Sims Deluxe Edition cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs. This game allows the player to own pets such as dogs, cats, womrats guinea pigs and birds, although only dogs and cats are fully customizable in the Create A Pet screen. There are 7. 2 premade breeds of dog and over 3. Pets dont have the environmental motive it is replaced by chewing for dogs and scratching for cats. Sims can also sell pets with the Open for Business expansion. The game features skills for pets. The expansion also introduces a skunk that will occasionally visit residential lots. Sims or pets who watch it run the risk of being sprayed, which will cause the Hygiene bar to drop. A new life state was introduced again in this EP werewolf. To become a werewolf your Sim must have a daily and lifetime relation with a Leader of the Pack at least 5. Sims and they will become a werewolf. A werewolf will have change in skills and personality eventually, and have more interaction. One can turn another Sim into a werewolf by fighting with them. The Kat family, who appeared in Unleashed, returns. Add dogs, cats, birds, or guinea pigs to your Sims family. Whether its kids cuddling kittens, adults watching TV with a drowsy Calico, or elders spending a sunny day in the park with their faithful German Shepherd, your Sims will share a lifetime of special moments with their pets. Bb5 Flash Files here. Choose from dozens of dog and cat breeds including Pug and Persian. Or create your own unique cat or dog by modifying its body type, face shape, fur color, markings, and more. Then pick a personality Is your Boxer gifted or goofy, your Burmese hyper or lazy You decide Cross different breeds to create designer pets or make new ones and register them to appear in Create A Family as a unique breed. Your Sims can teach their pets tricks like shake, fetch, roll over, and more. Unruly pets might topple the trash or scratch the sofa, but Sims can change their pets ways with the right training. Paint Latest Version on this page. Skilled pets can have careers of their own and earn a living as Movie Stars, Rescue pets, or members of an elite Security Pet Corps. Show Off and Share Your Pet Creations. Upload your favorite Sim pets to The. Sims. 2. com to share with other The Sims2 Pets players through the Exchange. No longer available. This section contains audio andor video files. If you are having difficulty playing these files, see media help. Non US. The Sims 2 Pets Official Trailer. The Sims 2 Pets Official Trailer. External links. Edit.