BlackHost is a small website developed by an Italian programmer. In this site you can found lots of interesting things as decoding scripts, web games and free programs. The Creation Net Tools is cuttingedge security and network monitoring software for the Internet and Local Area Networks, providing clients with the ability and. Black. Host. Welcome. Welcome to Black. Host, a small website developed by an Italian programmer News. Friday 2. 9th September 2. New server9. 1Black. Host has now a new self hosted dedicated serverОфис, Калькуляторы, Конверторы, Вычисления. Работа с документами pdf Калькуляторы, решение. Windows startup programs Database search. If youre frustrated with the time it takes your Windows 1087VistaXP PC to boot and then it seems to be running slowly. The security of the server and its services were heavily improved now all the website content is on a full encrypted disk. The mailserver was successfully set up and the onion domain has no longer network problems. There is also something new. IRC Server Accessible from irc. SSLTuesday 1. 0th January 2. Happy New Year 2. Happy new year to all
Sorry for didnt have sent any newsletter, but there arent so many things to say and also times are getting hard and free time for developing this website is decresing. Unfortunately the website is still under revision and the work is progressing slowly. CMS progress. Custom settings. Main page. Page handling structure. Url rewrite friendly structure. User page class. Theres left only to do the Administration Area, maybe a newsletter page and the setup file Bad news for the programs, many of them or maybe all will be removed due some bugs error exception are not handled properly, and also because they are out of date and with the evolution of the Winows OS, they might not work properly. However if you want to get a copy of the programs or even the source code, you have just to Contact Me. Saturday 1. 9th November 2. Working Hard8. 9Black. Host is apparently inactive but is really hard working for improving the CMS structure, it is a very hard work but finally when it will be completed you will be able to view, download and also contribute to the source code of the project So the website in the next weeks months may be unavailable, sorry for the inconvenience. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2016 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2015 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2014. Monday 1. 2th September 2. Chatroom8. 8The Chat script was updated on an user suggestion was implemented the possibility to create and change rooms and an anti flood featureThursday 8th September 2. Games Section8. 7The Games Section was removed and replaced by the Hacker Game. Wednesday 7th September 2. User System8. 6The ID system of the User Page were redesigned, for a better performance and usability. If you find any bugs, please Contact Me. Thanks. Saturday 3rd September 2. Donation Fixs8. The Donation Page was restored, under a request of a user D. Some bugs were fixed. Friday 2. 6th August 2. Chat fixed8. 4Some errors in the chat were fixed and the donation page has been removed. Wednesday 2. 4th August 2. Onion Webmail8. 3Now you can also access to the webmail from the TOR network at this link blackhost. This service is homemade so sometimes it could be not accessible, however theres still the clearnet webmail accessible form this link. For creating a new email address you have just to register at this link. Monday 1. 5th August 2. Webmail8. 2Black. Host has just implemented to the User system a webmail. Register now to get a custom email address blackhost. For those ones that were already subscribed, who have recived some emails I apologize, there were an error in the foreach loop and in the PHPMailer. Sunday 3. 1st July 2. PGP Encryption8. Now on Black. Host you can encrypt and decrypt your email or messsages with the PGP encryption, using this script. Tuesday 2. 8th June 2. Chat script8. 0The chat script was updated and totally changed now it is dynamic, with a fast Ajax and PHP JSON structure, and it works also with the user system Friday 3rd June 2. Newsletter7. 9There were some problems with the newsletter script. Please if you can, tell me if you have recived the email correctly, and how many email have you recived. Sorry for the inconvenience. Monday 2. 3rd May 2. Messagging system7. Black. Host has now implemented to the user system the messagging system, with which you can send messages to other users, view your inbox messages and other functions Wednesday 1. May 2. Comment System RC47. The Comment System were updated and some bugs were fixed. There is also a new encryption decryption script for the RC4 encryption method. Wednesday 2. 7th April 2. User Page7. 6Black. Host has just implemented an User System where you can create you account, login and view your submitted comments Monday 1. April 2. Comment System7. The comment system has now avatarsidenticons for the users and a new style Tuesday 1. March 2. New script7. Now if you want resolve a domain or an IP address, you can do it here Monday 1. March 2. Restyling7. The navigation bar has a new style and its also more responsive to mobile devices, for a better user experience Saturday 2. February 2. Paste Bin7. XSS vulnerability fixed in the Pastebin script. Saturday 2. 0th February 2. Download Link7. 1Download function added to the Pastebin script, and fixed in the. Generator. Friday 1. February 2. 01. 6 Mega update7. Black. Host has done a very big update All the games were removed, except the Hacker Game. All the sections of the website were reorganized now are all My. SQL based. Bug fixes in the whole website. New scripts Password Strength Meter, Pastebin and others more. New softwares Autoclicker, Bat to Exe converter, File Crypter, Flooder, Port Scanner and the Steganographer. New sub categories Converters, Crypters, String Tools and Web Tools. Removed Miscellaneous section. The Search Engine has got a new graphic. The Hacker Game has got new levels. If you find find any bugs on Black. Host 4. 04 pages, not working scripts, grammatical errors, please Contact Me DWednesday 3. December 2. 01. 5 New programs version6. Today a new version of the Email Bomber and the Virus Maker were relased bug fixed and new Windows 7 friendly graphicMonday 2. December 2. Bugs My. SQL6. Some bugs were fixed Files Upload script and Random String generator. The website page system is now based on My. SQL Saturday 2. 1st November 2. Captcha Mailer6. The captcha system was updated now it has a class and the captcha is displayed as an image. There is also a new function in the Mailer now you can reply to other emails. Tuesday 1. 7th November 2. Bug Fixed6. 6Comment system updated now all tags in the comments will be removed, cause a Cross site scripting vulerability. Friday 1. 3th November 2. Main page improvement6. The main page now is more dynamic, the news are stored in a database and are now splitted on pages Wednesday 2. October 2. Comment System Updated6. The comment system was updated now you can simply reply to other users, It has a new dynamic structure, faster and easier The entire website will be redesigned for a faster use, so it will not be so acitive in the next month, sorry for the inconvenience. I take this opportunity also to wish you happy HalloweenIts my favourite holiday Wednesday 7th October 2. NC0d. 3r6. 31f j. E 7ex. 7 4. 5 7h. W j. 00 K4. N, BY U5. N9 7h. 15 5c. R1p. H 7r. 4n. 5l. 47. E5 N0. Rm. 4L 7e. X7 7. 0 le. E7, ENj. Y 7h. 3R3 i. 2 AL5. A N3w 5. CRIp. 7 7. Al 7. IM3 h. 7ml i. N7. 3rp. R3. 73. RTuesday 6th October 2. Bug fixes and Whois Look Up6. Today two new scripts are available on the website the Whois look up script and the Speed Test script Now you can also upload multiple file at once and upload a file through link. For who is subscribed to the newsletter Im so busy these months, the Septembers newsletter wasnt send, but I promise that the coming programs will be availableSaturday 1. September 2. New games6. Be happy Black. Host has got three new games Asteroids, Pac Man and Snake. Thursday 1. 7th September 2. Windows startup programs Database search. If youre frustrated with the time it takes your Windows 1. VistaXP PC to boot and then it seems to be running slowly you may have too. This is the original. Services are not included see below. For further information on this and how to identify and disable. Introduction page. See here for further information on random entries which are typically added by viruses and other. Last database update 3. October, 2. 01. 75. You can search for any of the following terms to find and display entries in the start up programs database but the minimum search is 3. Search button. Results are sorted by the Startup ItemName field. From Windows 1. 08 Task Manager CTRLSHIFTESC Startup Name, Command Note right click on any column heading and ensure Command is tickedFrom MSConfig Start Run msconfig Startup Startup Item, Command. From Registry Editor Start Run regedit Name, Data. From Sys. Internals free Auto. Runs utility Auto. Run Entry, Filename from Image PathFrom Windows Defender for XPVista Tools Software Explorer Display Name, Filename. O4 entries from Hijack. This or similar logging utilities Text highlighted here this text or here Startup this text. Filename. Any other text. Alternatively, you can browse the full database without the search facility over a number of pages or. CommandData field, but the results may. A B C D E F G H I J K L B N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZNOTE Searching for common words i. Please click on the Search button. IStartup Item or Name. Status. Command or Data. Description. Testedtest. Xi love you. exe. Detected by Sophos as TrojSingu TNo. IObit. Bar Browser Plugin Loader. Ui. 0brmon. exe. Detected by Malwarebytes as PUP. Optional. Mind. Spark. The file is located in Program. FilesIObit. Bartoolbar. If bundled with another installer or not installed by choice then remove it. Norate. exe. Xi. 11r. Detected by Sophos as W3. Bagle INorate. exe. Xi. 1ru. 74n. 4. exe. Detected by Symantec as W3. Beagle. Emm. No. I3. XI3. 86. exe. Detected by Symantec as W3. My. Power. Bmm and by Malwarebytes as Backdoor. Agent. Noi. 38. 6app. Xi. 38. 6app. EXEDetected by Mc. Afee as RDNGeneric. No. Config Loadatiorin. XI3. Explorer. exe. Detected by Symantec as Backdoor. Sdbot. HNo. XX3. VJ0. EZINXi. 40. Tgc. D. Detected by Mc. Afee as Generic Back. Door and by Malwarebytes as Backdoor. Agent. DCENoi. 6g. Xi. 6g. 8xs. exe. Detected by Kaspersky as Virus. Win. 32. Virut. ce and by Malwarebytes as Trojan. Agent. The file is located in App. DataNo. I8. 1SHELL I8. SHELL. exe. Appears to be related to drivers for an Intel 8. ASUS motherboard. What does it do and is it required Noi. Qwldt. 9MZxoi. Edov. R. vbs. Xi. Qwldt. MZxoi. Edov. R. vbs. Detected by Mc. Afee as RDNGeneric Dropper Malwarebytes as Trojan. Agent. WSC. Note the file is located in User. Startup and its presence there ensures it runs when Windows starts. Noi. 8kfangui. UI8kfan. GUI. exe. I8kfan. GUI Dell InspironLatitudePrecision fan control utility. No. Intruder. Alert. Xia. 99. exe. Intruder Alert 9. Bonzi spyware. No. RAID Event Monitor. UIaanotif. exe. Part of Intel Matrix Storage Manager formally known as Intel Application Accelerator and Intel Application Accelerator RAID Edition. Used in conjunction with the event monitor service IAANTMON Iaantmon. RAID volume status changes, HDD IO errors or HDD SMART event via a System Tray icon when an event occurs. Via this icon you can then choose to launch the Intel Matrix Storage Console or ignore the current alert. Yes. IAAnotif. UIaanotif. Part of Intel Matrix Storage Manager formally known as Intel Application Accelerator and Intel Application Accelerator RAID Edition. Used in conjunction with the event monitor service IAANTMON Iaantmon. RAID volume status changes, HDD IO errors or HDD SMART event via a System Tray icon when an event occurs. Via this icon you can then choose to launch the Intel Matrix Storage Console or ignore the current alert. Yesi. Plus. Agent. Ultra Focus Keygen For Windows here. Ui. Agent. exeiriver PLUS media management utility for their range of portable media devices. Noi. Plus. Agent. Ui. Agent. 2. exeiriver PLUS media management utility for their range of portable media devices. No. 3PUDECIAXIAInstall. Installer for the Internet Antivirus and Internet Antivirus Pro rogue security software not recommended, removal instructions here. No. Internet Answering Machine. UIAM. exe. From Callwave offers a free utility to monitor your incoming phonecalls if you only have a single telephone line for internet access. Noiamapp. YIAMAPP. EXEPart of Symantecs now discontinued Norton Personal Firewall and also included in older versions of Norton Internet Security. Also part of their now discontinued Symantec Desktop Firewall for business customers. Formally At. Guard by WRQ until their acquisition by Symantec. Runs as a service on an NT based OS such as Windows 1. VistaXPNo. Internet Answering Machine. UIAMNET1. EXEFrom Callwave. It offers a free utility to monitor your incoming phonecalls if you only have a single telephone line for internet access. No. NAV Auto Update. Xiamsad. exe. Detected by Sophos as W3. Spybot CENo. Ia. Nv. Srv Ia. Nv. Srv. Related to the option ROM part of the Intel Matrix Storage Manager. Located in Program. FilesIntelIntel Matrix Storage ManagerOROMa. Nv. Srv. What does it do and is it requiredNo. Black College Golf Programs. SMIANXianmonitor. Advanced. Cleaner rogue security software not recommended, see here. Removal instructions here. No. Iap IAP. EXEPart of Dell Open. Manage Client Instrumentation software that allows remote management application programs to access information about, monitor the status of or change the state of the client computer, such as shutting it down remotely. No. Internet Antivirus Pro. XIAPro. exe. Internet Antivirus Pro rogue security software not recommended, removal instructions here. Detected by Malwarebytes as Rogue. Internet. Anti. Virus. No. Live Enterprise Suite. XIAPro. exe. Live Enterprise Suite rogue security software not recommended, removal instructions here. Noias. Uias. exe. Invisible. ASpy keystroke loggermonitoring program remove unless you installed it yourself No. IASHLPRXIASHLPR. EXEDetected by Trend Micro as WORMOPASERV. TNo. Microsoft Keyboard Enhance 2. Xiasrecst. exe. Detected by Sophos as TrojBckdr QILNo. Microsoft Keyboard Enhance V2. Xiasrecst. exe. Detected by F Prot as W3. Downloader. 2. AILINo. Microsoft media services. XIassd. exe. Added by the SPYBOT. HE WORM No. Nz. FGQ0. Q5. MERGODVGQj. Y5. N0. Xiastool. exe. Detected by Malwarebytes as Backdoor. IRCBot. The file is located in User. ProfileNo. IAStor. Icon. UIAStor. Icon. System Tray access to, and notifications for Intel Rapid Storage Technology which provides new levels of protection, performance, and expandability for desktop and mobile platforms. Whether using one or multiple hard drives, users can take advantage of enhanced performance and lower power consumption. If enabled it will give you quick access to the main utility and provide alerts if any problems are detected. Yes. Delayed Launcher. UIAStor. Icon. Launch. IAStor. Icon. exe. System Tray access to, and notifications for Intel Rapid Storage Technology which provides new levels of protection, performance, and expandability for desktop and mobile platforms.