Buffalo HD H2. 50. LAN Manuals, Support and Troubleshooting. Link. StationBuffalos Web Access Technology. Buffalos unique Web Access feature allows you to easily access and share your photos, music files, and videos stored on your Buffalo NAS with anyone who has access to the Internet. Ds1307 Programming. No special software is required. Simply send a link via e mail to your friends and family and they can securely access the files you have selected for them to see. Computer WorkbenchenspenspResetting a LinkStation HDH250LAN. This is a discussion on Resetting a LinkStation HDH250LAN within the Networking. DLink DI524 wireless slow. The LinkStation firmware flasher. Powerpchdhlan LinkStations use powerpchdhlanXXX firmware. Global manufacturer of innovative storage, multimedia, and wireless networking products for the home and small business. Buffalos range of products are cost. Learn more about the Buffalo HDH250LAN before you decide to buy. Download User Guide and Manual. LAN AIRSTATIONPCLANLINKSTATIONAIRSTATION. Turbocad 10 Deluxe there.