LabTech10.5/Content/Resources/Images/scn_screenconnect_initiatesession_connected_768x412.png' alt='Installation Will Continue Automatically Once The Server Initiates Your Session' title='Installation Will Continue Automatically Once The Server Initiates Your Session' />Part 1 Request Response, HTTP Basics, and Networking Carl Stalhood. Navigation. Introduction. Many Net. Scalers are managed by server admins andor security people that do not have extensive networking experience. This topic will introduce you to important networking concepts to aid you in successful configuration of Net. Scalers. Most of the following concepts apply to all networks, but this topic will take a Net. Content/Resources/ManagerImages/FAQG7_DSProperties.png' alt='Installation Will Continue Automatically Once The Server Initiates Your Session' title='Installation Will Continue Automatically Once The Server Initiates Your Session' />Scaler perspective. The content is intended to be introductory only. NetScaler Essential Concepts Part 1 RequestResponse, HTTP Basics, and Networking. This chapter explains the nature of an Oracle database instance, the parameter and diagnostic files associated with an instance, and what occurs during instance. Deployment and Installation Guide for Cisco Jabber, Release 10. Requirements. Search Google for more detail on each topic. Request Response. Request Response Overview. RequestResponse fundamentally, a Client sends a Request to a Server. The Server processes the Request, and sends back a successful Response, or sends back an Error. Request Response describes almost all client server networking. Clients send Requests For Net. Scaler, Clients are usually web browsers. But it can be any client side program that requests something from a server. Servers Respond to Requests For Net. Scaler, Servers are usually web servers. These machines receive HTTP requests from clients, perform the HTTP Method command contained in the request, and send back the response. Whats in a Request Request are sent to Web Servers using the HTTP protocol Web Browsers use the HTTPprotocol to send Requests to Web Servers. Web Servers use the HTTP protocol to send Responses back to Web Browsers. Protocol A protocol defines a vocabulary for how machines communicate with each other. Since web browsers and web servers use the same protocol, they can understand each other. HTTP is an OSI Layer 7 protocol HTTP is defined by the OSI Model as a Layer 7, or application layer, protocol. Layer 7 protocols run on top of encapsulated in other lower layer protocols, as detailed later. HTTP Request Commands HTTP Requests contain commands for the web server. The web server is intended to carry out the requested command. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. In the HTTP Protocol, Request Commands are also known as Request Methods. HTTP GET Method The most common Command in an HTTP Request is GET. This Command asks the web server to send back a file. In other words, web servers are essentially nothing more than file servers. Additional HTTP Request CommandsMethods beyond GET will be detailed in Part 2. HTTP Path attached to the GET Command is the path to the requested file. Web servers can host thousands of files. The client needs some method of requesting a particular file. In HTTP, the format is something like directorydirectoryfile. On Net. Scaler, you can access the HTTP path in a policy expression by entering HTTP. REQ. URL. PATH. More info on URLs will be provided later in Part 2. Addresses Overview. Unique addresses Every machine including clients and servers has at least one address. Addresses are unique across the whole Internet only one machine can own a particular address. If you have two machines with the same address, which machine receives the Request or Response Requests are sent to a Destination Address when the client sends a request to a web server, it sends it to the servers address. This is similar to email you enter the address of the recipient. The servers address is put in the Destination Address field of the Request Packet. Requests are placed on a Network, which gets it to the destination The client puts the Request Packet on the network. The network uses the Destination Address in the packet to get the packet to the web server. This process is detailed later. Web Servers reply to the Source Address when the Request Packet is put on the network, the client machine inserts its own address as the Source Address. The web server receives the Request and performs its processing. The web server then needs to send the Response back to the Client. It extracts the Source Address from the Request Packet, and puts that in the Destination Address of the Response Packet. If the original Source Address is wrong or missing, then the response will never make it back to the client. Sometimes, Requests get to Servers successfully, but Responses fail to come back If you dont receive a Response to your Request, then either the Request didnt make it to the Server, or the Response never made it from the Server back to the Client. The key point is that there are two communication paths the first is from Client to Server, and the second is from Server to Client. Either one of those paths could fail. Numeric based addresses All network addresses are ultimately numeric, because thats the language that machines understand. Network packets contain Source and Destination addresses in numeric form. Routers and other networking equipment read the numeric addresses, perform a table lookup to find the next hop to reach the destination, and quickly place the packet on the next interface to reach the destination. This is much quicker if addresses are numbers instead of words. IP Addresses are one type of address Different OSI layers have different addresses. Layer 3 IP Addresses are how the network Internet gets the packet from the Source to the Destination and back again. Clients and Servers have unique IP Addresses. Layer 3 networking will be detailed later. IP Address format Each IP address is four numbers separated by three periods e. Each of the four numbers must be in the range from 0 to 2. Most network training guides cover IP addressing in excruciating detail so I wont repeat it here. Bully Scholarship Edition Highly Compressed Pc here. Adobe Micro Flash Player'>Adobe Micro Flash Player. Human readable addresses When a human enters the destination address of a Web Server, humans much prefer to enter words instead of numbers. So there needs to be a method to convert word based addresses into numeric based addresses. This method is called DNS Domain Name System, which will be detailed later. Web Servers and File Transfer. Web Servers are File Servers essentially, Web Servers are not much more than file servers. A Web Client requests the Web Server to send it a file. Web Clients use the HTTP Protocol to download files from a Web Server. Web Clients are responsible for doing something meaningful with the files downloaded from Web Servers The files downloaded from a Web Server can be displayed to the user, processed by a program, or stored. Web Browsers Web Browsers are a type of Web Client that usually want to display the files that are downloaded from Web Servers. If the file contains HTML tags, then the Browser will render the HTML tags and display them to the user. Web Browsers are sometimes called User Agents. API Web Clients Web Clients can use an HTTP based API to download data files from a web server. These data files are typcially processed by a client side script or program, and arent displayed directly to the user. Downloaders some Web Clients are simply Downloaders, meaning all they do is use HTTP to download files and store them on the hard drive. Later, the user can do something with those downloaded files. Web Server and Web Client Scripting. Web Server Script Processing web servers can do more than just file serving they can also run server side scripts that dynamically modify the files before the files are downloaded to the web client. Web Server Script Languages different web server programs support different server side script languages. These server side script languages include Java, ASP. NET, Ruby, PHP, Node. Little Fighter 2 Naruto here. Web Server Data Server side scripts use data to dynamically modify the HTML pages. The data can be retrieved from a database. And the data can be provided by the Web Client. Commend Product Catalogue 2. English by Commend International Gmb. HCommend Product Catalogue 2. English Published on Feb 2. Security and Communication for People, Buildings and Values.