Windows Store Version 4. I just announced, is now available on the Windows Store The standard price is currently 8. Ive put it on sale for 5. October. You can also make use of the 3. Microsoft Security Essentials Windows 7 Windows Defender Windows 8,Windows RT, Windows 8. Windows RT 8. 1, Windows 10 Realtime protection against spyware. Ccleaner 7 Download Fix, Clean CCLEANER 7 DOWNLOAD And Optimize PC SPEED Up Your PC FREE Scan Now Recommended. Microsoft Fix It Center Windows. It may take a little bit of time before you can search for Paint. NET on the Windows Store. Im told that things take up to 2. Wait, its not free Correct The Store release of Paint. NET is not distributed free of charge. This allows many things to converge and solves a lot of problems, while still providing value for new and existing users err, customers. The Classic release will still be available and kept up to date on the same schedule as the Store release. Well, Im not gonna pay for it. Thats fine. Just use the Classic version like you always have. Its worth checking out what the Store release has to offer though. Maybe youll change your mind, but if not And you can still send a donation if thats your preferred way of providing financial support. This is actually more effective because Microsoft does take a 3. Downs An Economic Theory Of Democracy Pdf. Store. There are some important advantages that the Store release comes with Automatic background updating. The first advantage is a really big one, in my opinion. Paint. NET already has a best in class update experience Install when I exit, thankyouverymuch, but having updates be fully automatic and transparent is much better. Now whenever you launch Paint. NET it will definitely be the latest version. No more procrastinating the update because youre already busy with other stuff. GGDTs93SeI/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Download Fresh Paint Windows 7' title='Download Fresh Paint Windows 7' />No more bumping into a crash that was fixed yesterday or last week or last year cough. The Classic release checks about once every 1. Store release then youll probably have updates several days sooner than usual on average. Easy Installation. The second advantage is that, once purchased, its really easy to get Paint. NET installed onto any new device. Everyone knows that installing classic desktop apps on Windows is a pain, especially when setting up a new PC. But for Store apps, its just so much easier go to the Store app in Windows 1. My Library, and then just click on the little download button next to Paint. NET and on any other apps you need to install. Data/image/2012/Thang11/05/PictBear-1.jpg' alt='Download Fresh Paint Windows 7' title='Download Fresh Paint Windows 7' />Wait a little bit for the download and installation and youre done. Theres probably a better way to do this its just the first method I found that I could verify quickly enough and be confident about. Store apps also come with the wonderful advantage that they cant install browser toolbars. Normalized Pdf Matlab'>Normalized Pdf Matlab. They cant change your web browsers home page. They cant do all sorts of things that would pollute your system. Store apps dont get to provide their own installers full of sneaky check boxes that may or may not install various crapware. Paint. NET has never and will never do anything like that, but for many other apps it has been a very slippery slope over the years. Reliability. The Paint. NET installer and updater are based on Windows Installer MSI files. Over the years this has proven to be an unreliable foundation. Every update I put out comes with a very small chance that a very small number of users will be unable to install the update, and that it will break their existing installation, and that theyll be unable to reinstall until they follow a set of crowdsourced troubleshooting steps that usually but not always solves the problem. Ive never been able to reproduce this, and Ive never discovered the reason this happens. This problem goes away completely with the Windows Store release because of the way the package manager and application model works. So why charge for it now Over the years, Ive been told over and over that I should be charging for Paint. NET and that people were willing to pay me for it. Accepting donations, the equivalent of a virtual tip jar, was a good way to accommodate this without having to develop or integrate a payment system along with serial numbers and piracy and all of that anti fun. Ive always been more interested in people having Paint. NET than ensuring that it has reached its full monetization potential its been partly a lifestyle choice. However, statistically speaking, not very many people actually send a donation. The numbers are actually incredibly tiny, and its only because Paint. NET has such an enormous user base that Im able to see much from this. This is totally fine though the psychology and statistics of a system like this just lean heavily against it being very lucrative, and I had long ago made a lifestyle choice to not go down the other fork in the road towards business and marketing. Dont get me wrong getting donations is actually very rewarding If someone likes Paint. NET so much that theyre willing to go to the Pay. Pal website, punch in their details, and send me money, then that really says a lot about how much they appreciate it. Ive had folks tell me that they promise to donate when they have money, and Ive always told them to just tell all of their friends about it instead and to not feel indebted. Ive wanted to put Paint. NET into the Windows Store for awhile, but I couldnt determine a way to monetize it that fit in with the existing distribution philosophy. Microsoft wont allow you to accept payments or solicit donations except through their billing system, which meant that the Help menus Donate link had to go. And, since updates are handled automatically in the background, the polite Please donate link in the updater was effectively gone as well. So if I were to give away Paint. NET for free on the Windows Store, anyone who installed it from there would probably never even see the tip jar and be encouraged to contribute. So, I finally decided that I would just charge for the Store release. The Classic release will still be available and will continue to have a visible tip jar to encourage folks to provide financial support. And the Store release has some genuine advantages that you can pay for, if you choose. Edit Id like to clarify something. There is a Beta. News article stating, The charge for the Store app has been introduced because not enough people have been sending in donations. This isnt what I was trying to articulate above. The charge is because there would otherwise be no way to monetize the app at all because of Microsofts requirements for apps in the Store. It has nothing to do with the count or size of donations that are coming in, and I dont mean to dismiss or minimize the contributions from folks over the years via donations. Sorry for the confusion. But what about plugins Oh Dont worry. Plugins are supported for the Store release. You just have to install them in a different location. Go to your Documents folder, create a folder called paint. App Files no quotes though, and then create a folder for each plugin type Effects, File. Types, and Shapes. And then put your plugins into each folder just like youre used to with the Classic release. This does mean that plugins are installed per user, mind you. This method of installation is also supported by the Classic release, by the way. If youre a network administrator or anyone really who wants to disable this ability, you can do this with a registry key. In HKEYLOCALMACHINESoftwarepaint. PluginsAllow. Loading. Plugins. From. User. Locations without the quotes and set its value to false. Questions Seriously, ask questions. This is a long blog post, but its new territory for myself and for Paint. NET and I probably missed something Related. You Can Still Install MS Paint After Microsofts New Update. On Monday, we learned that Microsoft was killing off the iconic Microsoft Paint program after 3. Paint 3. D in its upcoming Windows 1. The news was tragic for fans of MS Paint, many of who publicly mourned the loss. In response, Microsoft decided to keep the app MS Paint is here to stay, it will just have a new home soon, in the Windows Store where it will be available for free, said a blog post. This is good news for MS Paint fanatics, but it still means MS Paint will be less accessible than before. Some employers may prohibit employees from downloading apps from the Windows Store, and many people probably wont go out of their way to install the app. But for die hard fans, theres reason to rejoice sophisticated MS Paint art and memes arent completely dead after all.