Teaching Pronunciation to Adult English Language Learners. CAELA Network Briefs. Teaching Pronunciation to Adult English Language Learners. Kirsten Schaetzel, Georgetown Law Center, Washington, DCEe Ling Low, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore July 2. Download a PDF of this brief. Background on Adult Learners Adult education programs serve both native English speakers and learners whose first, or native, language is not English. Native English speakers attend adult basic education ABE classes to learn basic skills needed to improve their literacy levels and adult secondary education ASE classes to earn high school equivalency certificates. Both ABE and ASE instruction help learners achieve goals related to job, family, and further education. English language learners attend English as a second language ESL, ABE, or workforce preparation classes to improve their oral and literacy skills in English and to achieve goals similar to those of native English speakers. Audience for This Brief This brief is written for teachers, program administrators, education researchers, and policy makers to provide information about evidence based strategies for teaching pronunciation to adult English language learners. Introduction. Adult English language learners in the United States approach the learning of English pronunciation from a wide variety of native language backgrounds and may speak languages with sound systems that vary a great deal from that of English. Download Contrastive Approach To Problems With English Pdf' title='Download Contrastive Approach To Problems With English Pdf' />Individuals with a Spanish language background constitute the largest foreign born population in the United States. Foreign born U. S. African, Asian, European, and Middle Eastern countries Center for Applied Linguistics, 2. Pew Hispanic Center, 2. U. S. Census Bureau, 2. Because English language learners in adult education programs reflect the foreign born population, they come from diverse language backgrounds. Their pronunciation goals, needs, and levels of English proficiency are also diverse. Their needs regarding learning of English pronunciation depend on a variety of factors that may include their uses of English in what settings and for what purposes, their motivation to identify with different English speaking groups, how native like they choose to sound, and the frequency with which they speak English and their native language Flege, Frieda, Nozawa, 1. Gatbonton, Trofimovich, Magid, 2. Qualitative Research Methods Methodology Overview at atlasti. ATLAS. ti is your powerful workbench for Qualitative Data Analysis, Visit us now A peerreviewed international journal that bridges the gap between research and practice in information design. Moyer, 2. 00. 8. Although a focus on pronunciation is part of the curriculum in many adult education programs, it is often not included in state language proficiency standards or addressed systematically in instruction Levis, 2. In addition, some teachers teaching English to adult learners do not have training in teaching pronunciation Derwing Munro, 2. Levis, 2. 00. 5. As a result, teachers may not be able to identify the patterns of or reasons for learners pronunciation problems or have a systematic way to teach the sound, stress, intonation, and rhythm patterns of English. This brief reviews features of languages particularly English that can have an impact on the teaching and learning of English pronunciation and the research on learner acquisition of pronunciation, and describes how teachers can implement teaching of pronunciation in their classes. Features of Languages Recent discussion of and research on the teaching and learning of pronunciation has focused on contrasts between the sound systems of a language spoken and a language being learned the importance of accent, stress, intonation, and rhythm in the comprehensibility of the speech of nonnative speakers the effect of motivation and exposure in the development of native like pronunciation and intelligibility of speech among speakers of different English varieties. Contrastive Analysis Linguists have tried to identify potential pronunciation difficulties of nonnative speakers of a language by using contrastive analysis, which was popular in the 1. The Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis posits that by contrasting the features of two languages, the difficulties that a language learner might encounter can be anticipated Crystal, 2. Fries, 1. 95. 2. Features of many languages were catalogued by linguists, but it was not possible to systematically predict which areas of English would be difficult for speakers of particular native languages. Download Contrastive Approach To Problems With English Pdf' title='Download Contrastive Approach To Problems With English Pdf' />A less predictive version of the hypothesis was eventually put forth that focused on cross linguistic influence. Cross linguistic influence claims that prior language experiences have an impact on the way a language is learned, but these experiences do not consistently have predictive value Brown, 2. Wardhaugh, 1. 97. From this work, linguists have been able to develop lists of sounds that native speakers of particular languages may find problematic in learning English. For example, speakers of Asian languages may have difficulty producing l and r sounds speakers of Spanish may have difficulty distinguishing between and producing sh and ch sounds. These lists for specific language backgrounds are now featured in pronunciation texts, such as Sounds Right Braithwaite, 2. American Speech Sounds Hiser Kopecky, 2. Accent An accent is the cumulative auditory effect of those features of pronunciation that identify where a person is from, regionally or socially Crystal, 2. Accentedness, a normal consequence of second language learning Derwing Munro, 2. L1 first language or, in our situation, American English community p. Many adult learners of English have a foreign accent that identifies them as nonnative speakers. HujGhyYqFw/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Download Contrastive Approach To Problems With English Pdf' title='Download Contrastive Approach To Problems With English Pdf' />Classtested and coherent, this groundbreaking new textbook teaches webera information retrieval, including web search and the related areas of text classification. Resources CAELA Network Briefs Teaching Pronunciation to Adult English Language Learners. Kirsten Schaetzel, Georgetown Law Center, Washington, DC. Vol. 7, No. 3, May, 2004. Mathematical and Natural Sciences. Study on Bilinear Scheme and Application to Threedimensional Convective Equation Itaru Hataue and Yosuke. A foreign language is originally from another country. It is also a language not spoken in the native country of the person referred to, i. English speaker. Some linguists support the idea, known as the Critical Period Hypothesis, that a learner needs to begin learning the language before age 7 in order to develop native like pronunciation Lenneberg, 1. However, more recent research suggests that environment and motivation may be more important factors in the development of native like pronunciation than age at acquisition Marinova Todd, Marshall, Snow, 2. An understanding of the features of learner accents, and their impact on intelligibility of their speech, can help teachers of adults learning English identify and address characteristics of learner pronunciation Derwing Munro, 1. The primary aim is that students are understood. Good pronunciation is needed for this but not a perfect accent Harmer, 1. Stress, Intonation, and Rhythm. Munro and Derwing 1. Since this finding, research on and teaching of pronunciation have moved from an exclusive focus on the sounds of language vowels and consonants to include suprasegmentals stress, sentence and word intonation, and speech rhythm, or vocal effects that extend over more than one sound Crystal, 2. Florez, 1. 99. 8 Low, 2. Telecharger Crack Windows 7 Integrale 64 Bits on this page. Monro Derwing, 1. Regarding stress, languages have traditionally been classified as either stress timed or syllable timed. In stress timed languages e. British and American English, German, Dutch, and Thai stressed syllables fall at regular intervals throughout an utterance Crystal, 2. That is, the time between stressed syllables is equal, as unstressed syllables are spoken more quickly and vowel reduction occurs. For example, the sentence Tom runs fast is made up of three stressed syllables, as indicated by the bolded letters. The sentence Meredith can run fast is made up of six syllables, but only three of them are stressed. Qualitative Research Methods Methodology. Biographical Research Life History Research. Biographical research is an approach to research which elicits and analyses a persons biography or life history. It consists of an extended, written account or narrative of a persons life. Life History and biographical research is today often used interchangeably. Data are collected in form of narrative interviews. Of interest is the entire life story in terms of its genesis and how it is constructed in the present. The steps of data analysis involve thematic analysis, the reconstruction of the life history, a microanalysis of individual text segments, contrastive comparisons and the development of types and contrasting comparison of several cases. Rosenthal 2. 00. These are objective hermeneutics Oevermann et al. Schtze, 1. 98. 3 and themantic field analysis Fischer and Kohli, 1. ATLAS. ti was for example used by Patrizi 2. Domestic Violence, Dictatorship and Democracy in Chile. Also Unger 2. 00. Schtze, works with ATLAS. Another example is the study by Gouthro 2. Further readings Roberts, Brian 2. Biographical Research. Open University Press. Rosenthal, Gabriele 2. Biographical Research, in C. Seale, G. Gobo, J. F. Gubrium and D. Silverman eds, Qualitative Research Practice. London Sage. pp. Oevermann, Ulrich Allert, Tilman, Konau, Elisabeth and Jrgen Krambeck 1. Structures of meaning and objective Hermeneutics. In Volker Meja, Dieter Misgeld and Mico. Stehr eds. Modern German sociology. European Perspectives a Series in Social Thought and Cultural Ctiticism. New York Columbia University Press, S. Oevermann, Ulrich et al. Die Methodologie einer objektiven Hermeneutik und ihre allgemeine forschungslogische Bedeutung in den Sozialwissenschaften, in Hans Georg Soeffner ed., Interpretative Verfahren in den Sozial und Textwissenschaften. Stuttgart Metzler, pp. Schtze, Fritz 1. Biographieforschung und narrative Interviews, Neue Praxis, 3 2. Fischer, Wolfram and Kohli, Martin 1. Biographieforschung, in W. Voges ed. Methoden der Biographie und Lebenslaufforschung. Opladen Lekse Budrich, pp. Studies where ATLAS. Gouthro, P. A. 2. Life Histories of Canadian Women as Active Citizens Implications for Policies and Practices in Adult Education. The Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 2. Patrizi, Patrizia 2. Deviant Action and Self Narration A Qualitative Survey through ATLAS. Journal of the Theory of Social Behaviour, Vol 2. Unger, Tim 2. 00. Anschluss verpasst Pldoyer fr eine berufsbildungstheoretische Aufarbeitung der biografieorientierten Bildungsforschung, in Karin Bchter, Jens Klusmeyerand Martin Kipp eds., Selbstverstndnis der Disziplin Berufs und Wirtschaftspdagogik, bwp Ausgabe Nr. Juni 2. 00. 9 Available online http www.